Modern Slavery
We are fully committed to preventing modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour. We strictly comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and take appropriate steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not take place within our business or any part of our supply chain.
Our Approach:
Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in any form. We do not condone or permit forced labour, human trafficking, or any exploitation of workers.
Due Diligence: We conduct appropriate due diligence on all new suppliers, contractors, and partners to ensure they adhere to ethical standards and are free from modern slavery practices.
Training: Our employees and managers are trained on how to recognise and report signs of modern slavery.
Reporting and Transparency: Any employee or partner who suspects modern slavery or human trafficking within our supply chain is encouraged to report it immediately. We will investigate all reports and take appropriate action.
We remain dedicated to ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from modern slavery and that we operate ethically and with integrity in all that we do.